Clothing Arts Reviews: Everything We Know So Far

clothing arts reviews

Trust Score

January 25, 2024
Facebook Score
Instagram Score
Youtube Score
Tiktok Score
Trustpilot Score
Sitejabber Score
BBB Score

With an overall score of 56, the brand’s performance appears to be somewhat average. While some customers may find satisfaction with their purchases, others might encounter issues or dissatisfaction, indicating a mixed reception among consumers. It’s essential for potential customers to carefully evaluate reviews and consider their own preferences before deciding whether to engage with this brand.

For those considering trying this brand, it’s advisable to proceed with caution and perhaps start with smaller purchases to test the waters. Additionally, reaching out to the brand directly to address any concerns or questions about product quality and delivery timelines could provide valuable insights before making a significant investment.

Brand Info:

  • Brand Name: Clothing Arts
  • Offering Products: Pick-Pocket Proof® Travel Clothing
  • Prices: Variable
  • Sale: 25% OFF CYBER Second Chance
  • Brand Owner: Not Found
  • Established in: Late 2007

Trustpilot Score: 0

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Sitejabber Score: 0

BBB Score: 20

  • BBB URL: BBB Link
  • BBB Reviews: 1
  • BBB Rating Level: Poor
  • BBB Rating: 1
  • BBB is Claimed: Not Claimed

Top 5 Star Review on BBB:

Not Found

Top 1 Star Review on BBB:

by: Cesar D

“Untrustworthy. They operate like pickpockets. I advise against them. Their delivery is unreliable, and contacting them for estimated delivery times is challenging. It’s not worth your time or money. Their prices are exorbitant, and waiting over two months, possibly longer, for delivery is unacceptable. It took me more than a month to receive nothing. They should consider using Amazon. I strongly advise against using their services.”

According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the brand has a score of 20, indicating a low level of performance or customer satisfaction. With only 1 review available on the BBB platform, the brand’s reputation seems to be relatively limited in terms of feedback. Additionally, the BBB rating level is classified as poor, with a rating of 1 out of 5, reflecting significant room for improvement. The fact that the brand is not claimed on BBB suggests a lack of active engagement with the platform.

Based on the available information, it’s evident that the brand faces considerable challenges in terms of customer satisfaction and reliability. The single 1-star review by Cesar D highlights issues with trustworthiness, delivery reliability, and pricing, indicating significant concerns for potential customers. Given the low BBB score and poor rating, consumers may want to exercise caution when considering purchases from this brand and thoroughly research their options before making any commitments.

  • Missing Contact Information: Brand phone number, email, and address are not provided, making it difficult for customers to reach out for support or inquiries.
  • Absence of TikTok Presence: No TikTok URL, name, or statistics available, indicating a lack of engagement with a popular social media platform that could enhance brand visibility.
  • Lack of Trustpilot Presence: Missing Trustpilot URL, reviews, and ratings, raising concerns about the brand’s reputation and credibility among customers.
  • Sitejabber Absence: Sitejabber URL, reviews, and ratings are not found, further limiting insights into customer experiences and satisfaction.
  • No Social Proof: The absence of social proof, including reviews, ratings, and engagement on popular platforms, suggests a potential lack of trustworthiness and reliability.

These red flags collectively raise concerns about the legitimacy and trustworthiness of the Clothing Arts brand. Without essential contact information, social media presence, and customer feedback platforms, consumers may hesitate to engage with the brand, highlighting potential risks associated with purchasing from them.

Final Thoughts

Clothing Arts appears to be legitimate based on its established brand presence, offering products, and social media engagement. However, the lack of contact information and absence of reviews on platforms like Trustpilot and Sitejabber raise some concerns.

Tips for Secure Online Shopping on New Websites

  • Research the Website: Before making a purchase, take the time to research the website thoroughly. Look for reviews, check their social media presence, and ensure they have a legitimate address and contact information.
  • Check for Secure Payment Options: Make sure the website offers secure payment options such as credit card encryption or PayPal. Avoid sites that only accept wire transfers or cash-on-delivery, as these can be risky.
  • Look for Trust Signals: Seek out trust signals such as SSL certificates, trust badges, and privacy policies. These indicate that the website takes security seriously and values customer privacy.
  • Read Return and Refund Policies: Familiarize yourself with the website’s return and refund policies before making a purchase. Ensure they offer a reasonable return window and clear instructions for returning items.
  • Stay Vigilant for Phishing Attempts: Be cautious of unsolicited emails or pop-up ads directing you to new websites. These could be phishing attempts aimed at stealing your personal or financial information.

If you have experience with Clothing Arts, please share it below to help others.