Is The Hair Lab By Strands Legit? Genuine Worth Reading Reviews

the hair lab by strands reviews

Trust Score

October 31, 2023
Facebook Score
Instagram Score
Youtube Score
Tiktok Score
Trustpilot Score
Sitejabber Score
BBB Score

With an overall score of 82, The Hair Lab by Strands has demonstrated a good online presence and customer satisfaction across various social media platforms. Customers seem content with their purchases, as reflected by the positive engagement and reviews. It’s worth considering this brand for customized hair care based on their strong online performance.

Brand Info:

  • Brand Name: The Hair Lab by Strands
  • Offering Products: Shampoos, Conditioners, Doses (customized hair care products)
  • Prices: Customized hair care for under $9 a bottle
  • Sale: Not Found
  • Brand Owner: Eric Delapenha
  • Established in: Not Found
  • Phone: Not Found
  • E-mail: Not Found
  • Address: Not Found

Sitejabber Score: 0

BBB Score: 0

The Hair Lab By Strands Red Flags

  • No Trustpilot Presence: The absence of Trustpilot reviews, ratings, or claimed status is a red flag, as it indicates limited or no customer feedback on the platform.
  • No Sitejabber Information: The lack of Sitejabber reviews, ratings, and claimed status raises concerns about the brand’s reputation and customer interactions on this review platform.
  • No BBB Profile: The Hair Lab by Strands does not have a Better Business Bureau (BBB) profile, which can make it challenging to assess their credibility and customer service based on BBB standards.

While the absence of these key online presences is concerning, it’s essential to conduct further research and due diligence to determine the brand’s legitimacy and customer satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

The legitimacy of The Hair Lab by Strands is inconclusive due to a lack of substantial online presence and customer reviews. Further research and investigation are advisable to make an informed judgment.

Tips for Secure Online Shopping on New Websites

  • Research the Website: Before making a purchase, investigate the website thoroughly. Look for contact information, reviews, and a physical address. Ensure it’s a legitimate business.
  • Check for Secure Connection: When providing personal or payment information, make sure the website has a secure connection (https://) and look for a padlock symbol in the browser’s address bar.
  • Read Reviews and Ratings: Search for customer reviews and ratings on trusted platforms. Genuine feedback can offer insights into the product quality and the website’s reputation.
  • Use Strong Passwords: Create unique and strong passwords for your accounts on the website. This adds an extra layer of security to your online shopping experience.
  • Avoid Public Wi-Fi: Don’t shop on public Wi-Fi networks. Use a secure and private connection to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information.
  • Check Return Policies: Understand the website’s return and refund policies. Ensure they are clear and reasonable in case you’re not satisfied with your purchase.
  • Verify Payment Options: Use trusted payment methods and avoid sharing sensitive information via email. Credit cards and secure payment gateways are preferable.
  • Keep Records: Save records of your online transactions, including receipts, order confirmations, and shipping details. This can be useful for any future inquiries or disputes.
  • Beware of Too-Good-to-Be-True Deals: If a website offers unbelievable discounts or deals that seem too good to be true, exercise caution. It could be a scam.
  • Contact Customer Support: Before making a purchase, reach out to the website’s customer support to ask questions or clarify any doubts. Responsive and helpful support is a positive sign.

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