Vocal.media Reviews: A Worthwhile Platform for Novice Writers?

Vocal.media is a platform for writers and content creators to express themselves, earn money, and connect with a community. It has both positive aspects like a creative outlet, community engagement, and monetization opportunities, as well as concerns such as high competition, content restrictions, and varying reader engagement. Users should carefully consider their goals before choosing to use Vocal.media.

vocal.media reviews
vocal.media reviews

Are you an aspiring writer looking for a platform to showcase your talent? Vocal.media is a popular option that promises a space for novice writers to shine and earn. But before you dive in, it’s important to uncover the truth about Vocal.media and determine if it’s truly worth using. In this vocal.media reviews blog post, we will delve into comprehensive Vocal.media reviews to help you make an informed decision.

From the experiences of fellow writers to the platform’s features and opportunities, we’ll explore it all. Get ready to discover whether Vocal.media is the right choice for you as we separate fact from fiction.

Overview of Vocal.media

vocal.media reviews
vocal.media reviews

Vocal.media is a dynamic platform that offers a diverse range of stories and resources for creators of all kinds. With a curated selection of top stories updated daily, you’ll always find something new to explore. Whether you’re a fan of fiction, beats, or motivation, Vocal.media has something for everyone. From worst memories to laundry day struggles, the content covers a wide spectrum of topics and genres.

One notable feature of Vocal.media is its Challenges, where creators can enter themed storytelling contests to test their creativity. With enticing cash prizes and a chance to showcase their skills, these Challenges provide an exciting opportunity for writers to push their boundaries.

The platform also fosters a sense of community by spotlighting creators who are producing extraordinary content. From Mariann Carroll to Larry Berger, these individuals are making their mark on Vocal.media and inspiring others to do the same.

In addition to stories, Vocal.media offers valuable resources for creators. The Vocal Creator Chat series allows creators to connect with the community and gain insights into story creation, audience growth, and rewards. This interactive space is a valuable tool for navigating the platform and honing your craft.

If you’re passionate about a specific topic, you can join communities on Vocal.media that align with your interests. From investing and personal finance to historical knowledge and sports culture, these communities provide a space for like-minded individuals to connect and share their expertise.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, Vocal.media offers a vibrant platform to express yourself and engage with a supportive community. Explore the stories, participate in Challenges, and unleash your creativity on this dynamic platform.

Now let us move on to the next section of the vocal.media reviews blog post.

How to Become Part of Vocal. media?

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Becoming a part of Vocal.media is an exciting opportunity for writers looking to showcase their talent and engage with a vibrant community. Here are the steps to become a member of Vocal.media:

  1. Visit the Vocal.media Website: Start by visiting the official Vocal.media website. You can access it through any web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Sign Up: Look for the “Sign Up” or “Join Now” button on the website’s homepage. Click on it to begin the registration process.
  3. Create an Account: Provide the necessary information to create your Vocal.media account. This typically includes your name, email address, and a chosen password. You may also have the option to sign up using your existing social media accounts like Facebook or Google.
  4. Set Up Your Profile: Once you’ve created your account, take some time to set up your profile. Add a profile picture, write a brief bio, and include any relevant links to your personal website or social media profiles. This helps other members of the Vocal.community get to know you better.
  5. Explore Categories and Content: Vocal.media covers a wide range of topics and categories. Take some time to explore the different categories available and familiarize yourself with the type of content that resonates with the Vocal.community. This will help you align your own writing with the interests of the platform’s audience.
  6. Start Creating Content: Begin creating and publishing your own content on Vocal.media. The platform accepts various types of content, including articles, stories, poetry, and more. Ensure that your content meets the platform’s guidelines and adheres to any specific rules for challenges or contests.
  7. Engage with the Community: Vocal.media is not just a publishing platform but also a community of writers and readers. Engage with fellow writers by reading and commenting on their work, providing feedback, and participating in discussions. Building connections within the Vocal.community can help you expand your reach and gain valuable insights from other writers.
  8. Participate in Challenges and Contests: Vocal.media regularly hosts challenges and contests that provide opportunities to win cash prizes or other rewards. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and consider participating to showcase your skills and potentially earn recognition.

By following these steps and actively engaging with the Vocal.media community, you can become an integral part of the platform and enjoy the benefits of sharing your work, receiving feedback, and connecting with like-minded writers. Remember to consistently create high-quality content, engage with the community, and stay updated on any new features or opportunities Vocal.media provides.

Now let us move on to the next section of the vocal.media reviews blog post.

Vocal.media Reviews: What are Customers Saying?

Vocal.media has received reviews from various individuals who have shared their experiences and opinions about the platform. Let’s take a look at what some of them have to say:

Mike Singleton, known as MikeyDred, recommends Vocal, acknowledging that while it may have its flaws, it is an excellent writing platform. He highlights the benefits of Facebook Groups in helping to build an audience. As a Vocal+ Member for 18 months, Mike mentions that the $10 payment for membership has always been more than covered by the reads, bonuses, and participation in the ambassador’s program. He encourages others to give it a try and shares a link to his article about a Vocal Ambassador’s strategy.

vocal.media reviews

Another reviewer expresses their enthusiasm for Vocal.media as a platform tailored for geeks like themselves. They appreciate the challenges offered, which have allowed them to create numerous stories and poems that they otherwise wouldn’t have written. While they may not have won the cash prizes, they find fulfillment in the act of creation itself.

Vocal is flawed and I have written about it but it is an excellent writing platform and the Facebook Groups are great to build your audience. I have been a Vocal+ Member for 18 months and my $10 payment has always been more than covered by reads and bonuses and the ambassador’s program

These reviews provide insights into the diverse experiences and perspectives of users on Vocal.media. It showcases the platform’s ability to cater to different interests, offering opportunities for creativity and community engagement. Whether it’s through the rewards of participation or the intrinsic value of artistic expression, individuals have found enjoyment and fulfillment on Vocal.media.

Also, Jacquelyn Bujtas expressed her disappointment with the LBB challenge on Vocal.media, stating that it felt like a popularity contest with the judges. Despite spending two months crafting her entry, she received minimal views, no tips, and no feedback. This experience led her to cancel her membership.

Sylvie Soul responded to Jacquelyn’s comment, sharing a similar sentiment. She believes that entering writing contests can still be a good idea, but it’s crucial to participate in competitions where judges take the time to review each writer’s entry. Sylvie expressed skepticism about whether this was the case with the LBB challenge and other smaller challenges on the platform.

vocal.media reviews
vocal.media reviews

It’s important to note that these reviews represent the personal experiences and opinions of Jacquelyn Bujtas and Sylvie Soul. Other individuals may have different experiences and perspectives with Vocal. media and its writing challenges. It’s always advisable to consider multiple sources and reviews to form a well-rounded understanding of a platform or service

Now let us move on to the next section of the vocal.media reviews blog post.

Vocal.media Reviews: Is It Legit Website?

Yes, Vocal.media is a legitimate website. It is an established platform that provides opportunities for creators to share their stories, connect with a community, and potentially earn rewards. Vocal.media has a user-friendly interface, hosts a wide range of content, and has a track record of publishing stories from various genres and topics. It is a reputable platform for writers and creators to showcase their work and engage with a growing audience.

Firstly, one of the indicators of Vocal.media’s legitimacy is the presence of numerous positive reviews from both writers and individuals who have earned notable prizes on the platform. These reviews serve as testimonials to the platform’s effectiveness in providing opportunities and recognition to talented creators.

Furthermore, Vocal.media maintains an official website and active social media handles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The active presence on these channels demonstrates the platform’s commitment to engaging with its community and providing updates and support to its users.

Moreover, the feedback from individuals on Vocal.media’s official social media handles further reinforces its legitimacy. By actively addressing concerns, questions, and feedback from their users, Vocal.media showcases its dedication to maintaining a transparent and interactive platform.

It is worth noting that while Vocal.media has received positive feedback overall, some users have expressed the need for greater transparency in certain areas, such as providing clearer explanations for writers who did not win certain prizes. These concerns highlight areas for improvement, but they do not undermine the legitimacy of the platform. Vocal.media remains a legitimate platform that provides opportunities for writers and creators to showcase their work and connect with a supportive community.

In conclusion, Vocal.media’s legitimacy is evident through the presence of positive reviews from writers and prize winners, active engagement on official social media channels, and overall positive feedback from its users. It is a reputable platform for writers and creators to share their stories, gain recognition, and participate in a thriving creative community.

Now let ue move on to the next section of vocal.media reviews blog posts to discuss some issues.

Issues With Vocal.Media

Vocal.media, while generally a reputable platform, does face some issues that raise questions regarding transparency and criteria for prizes by a You Tuber. It’s important to address these concerns to ensure a fair and trustworthy environment for writers. Here are the key points to consider:

  1. Lack of Clarity in Prizes: One issue raised by writers is the need for clearer communication regarding the prizes offered. Some writers have expressed disappointment with the rewards given to those who did not win, describing them as insufficient. Vocal.media should work on providing more transparent information about the rewards and benefits for all participants, regardless of the outcome.
  2. Exclusive Edit Feature: Vocal.media recently introduced an edit feature that has been beneficial for writers. However, this feature is only available to those who have purchased the paid version of the platform. This approach may create a divide between writers who can afford the paid version and those who cannot. It would be beneficial for Vocal.media to consider alternative ways to make editing features accessible to all writers.
  3. Word Count Inconsistencies: The announcement of the summer challenge with cash prizes is exciting news. However, some writers have raised concerns about previous challenges where winners exceeded the specified word count. This raises questions about the criteria for winning and whether the rules are consistently applied. It is crucial for Vocal.media to ensure that challenges are conducted fairly and that winners adhere to the stated guidelines.

Addressing these concerns and providing clarity on prize distribution, accessibility to editing features, and consistent application of challenge rules will help enhance the trust and legitimacy of Vocal.media as a platform for writers. By addressing these issues, Vocal.media can create a more transparent and inclusive environment that benefits all writers and fosters a fair and supportive community.

Pros and Cons



  • Vocal.media provides a creative outlet for writers and content creators to express themselves.
  • Vocal.media fosters a sense of community by connecting writers and readers. Vocal.media often hosts challenges and competitions, providing an additional incentive for writers to participate and showcase their work.
  • Writers can earn money based on reads, engagement.


  • There may be certain restrictions or limitations on content, formatting, or topics that writers can explore.
  • With a large community of writers, Vocal.media can be highly competitive.

Conclusion: Vocal.media Reviews

Vocal.media is a platform that has garnered mixed reviews from its users. While it provides an avenue for writers and content creators to showcase their work, engage with a community, and potentially earn money, there are both positive and negative aspects to consider.

On the positive side, many users appreciate the creative outlet that Vocal.media offers. It allows individuals to express themselves through various writing formats and encourages the exploration of different topics and genres. The platform’s community engagement features, such as Facebook Groups, provide opportunities for writers to connect with like-minded individuals, receive feedback, and build their audience.

Furthermore, Vocal.media’s challenges and rewards system is seen as a motivating factor for many writers. The platform frequently hosts competitions that inspire productivity and creativity, providing writers with a chance to win cash prizes or other rewards. Additionally, the option to monetize content through the Vocal+ Membership program appeals to those looking to earn income from their writing.

However, there are also areas of concern raised by Vocal.media users. One common complaint is the level of competition on the platform. With a large community of writers, it can be challenging to stand out and gain visibility among the multitude of content available. This may pose difficulties for new or lesser-known writers seeking recognition.

Another issue that some users have mentioned is the limited control over content. Writers must adhere to Vocal.media’s guidelines and policies, which may restrict certain topics or formats. This can be perceived as limiting creative freedom for those who prefer more autonomy over their work.

Furthermore, varying levels of reader engagement have been noted by Vocal.media users. Depending on the audience and content niche, some writers may receive more feedback and interaction than others. It’s important for writers to manage their expectations regarding reader engagement and understand that it can fluctuate from piece to piece.

In conclusion, Vocal.media is a platform that offers opportunities and challenges for writers and content creators. It provides a creative outlet, community engagement, and potential monetization options. However, users should be aware of the competition, limited control over content, and varying levels of reader engagement. It is important for individuals to assess their own goals and preferences before deciding if Vocal.media aligns with their needs as a writer or content creator.

Alternative Options

While Vocal.media offers a platform for writers and content creators, there are several other alternatives available in the online writing community. These alternatives provide different features, opportunities, and community engagement. Here are some noteworthy options to consider:

  1. Medium: Medium is a popular platform that allows writers to share their stories and connect with a large audience. It offers a clean and user-friendly interface, personalized recommendations, and the potential to earn money through the Medium Partner Program.
  2. Wattpad: Wattpad is a platform dedicated to storytelling, with a focus on fiction and fanfiction. It has a vast and engaged community of readers and writers, providing opportunities for feedback and collaboration. Wattpad also offers options to monetize stories and connect with publishers.
  3. WordPress: WordPress is a versatile content management system that allows writers to create their own websites or blogs. It provides extensive customization options, full control over content, and the ability to build a unique brand and online presence.
  4. Substack: Substack is a platform designed for writers who want to create and monetize their own newsletters. It offers tools to build a subscriber base, send personalized emails, and charge for premium content.
  5. Ghost: Ghost is a publishing platform focused on simplicity and speed. It provides a distraction-free writing environment, SEO optimization features, and the ability to monetize content through memberships and subscriptions.
  6. Blogger: Blogger is a free blogging platform owned by Google. It offers an easy-to-use interface, customizable templates, and integration with other Google services. Blogger is suitable for writers looking for a straightforward blogging experience.
  7. LinkedIn Articles: LinkedIn provides a platform for professionals to share their expertise and insights through articles. It offers the advantage of connecting with a professional network and gaining visibility within specific industries or niches.
  8. Personal Websites: Creating a personal website or blog using platforms like Wix, Squarespace, or WordPress.org gives writers complete control over their content and branding. It allows for flexibility in design, monetization options, and the ability to build a dedicated readership.

When considering alternatives to Vocal.media, it’s essential to evaluate the features, target audience, monetization options, and community engagement offered by each platform. By exploring these alternatives, writers can find the platform that aligns best with their goals, preferences, and desired level of creative control.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Vocal.media?
A: Vocal.media is an online platform that allows writers, creators, and storytellers to publish their content and engage with a community of readers. It offers various channels, such as Vocal+, Vocal for Brands, and Vocal Verified, catering to different types of content and objectives.

Q: How does Vocal.media work?
A: To get started on Vocal.media, you can sign up for a free account and create your profile. You can then submit your written articles, stories, poetry, or other creative content to the platform. Once published, your work can be discovered by readers, and you can earn money based on engagement, reads, and tips from the Vocal community.

Q: How can I earn money on Vocal.media?
A: Vocal.media provides opportunities for writers to monetize their content through various means. This includes earning based on the number of reads, engagement, and tips received from readers. Additionally, Vocal offers programs like Vocal+ and Vocal for Brands, which provide additional monetization options and opportunities for sponsored content.

Q: Is Vocal.media free to use?
A: Yes, Vocal.media offers a free membership that allows writers to publish their content and engage with the community. However, they also offer premium membership options like Vocal+ that provide additional benefits and monetization opportunities for a monthly fee.

Q: What are the benefits of Vocal+ membership?
A: Vocal+ is a premium membership offered by Vocal.media. It provides members with benefits such as increased earnings on published stories, access to exclusive challenges and events, priority support, and other perks designed to enhance the writing experience.

Q: Can I publish any type of content on Vocal.media?
A: Vocal.media caters to various content genres, including articles, stories, poetry, opinion pieces, and more. However, it is essential to follow their content guidelines and community standards to ensure that your content meets their criteria and is suitable for publication on the platform.

Q: Is there a community aspect to Vocal.media?
A: Yes, Vocal.media emphasizes community engagement. It provides features such as comments, likes, and shares, allowing readers to interact with writers and provide feedback. Additionally, Vocal organizes challenges and events to encourage participation and collaboration within the community.

Q: How do I promote my content on Vocal.media?
A: Vocal.media offers various tools and features to promote your content within the platform, such as sharing your work on social media, utilizing relevant tags and keywords, and engaging with the community. Building an audience and promoting your work beyond the platform can also be achieved through personal websites, social media, and other marketing channels.

Q: Are there any content restrictions on Vocal.media?
A: Yes, Vocal.media has content guidelines and community standards that writers must adhere to. These guidelines ensure that the content is respectful, legal, and suitable for a broad audience. It is important to review and understand these guidelines before publishing your work.

Q: How do I contact Vocal.media support?
A: If you have any questions, issues, or need assistance, Vocal.media typically provides a support or contact page on their website. You can reach out to their support team through the provided channels, such as email or a contact form, for further assistance.

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